Adam Bellamy joins the cast of King Lear with the RSC
Adam Bellamy is in rehearsals with the Royal Shakespeare Company for their production of King Lear being performed at the Barbican 10th November - 23rd December 2016. Adam joins the company, as one of King Lears Knights, Lear being played by Sir Antony Sher under the direction of the RSC's Artistic director, Gregory Doran.
King Lear has ruled for many years. As age begins to overtake him, he decides to divide his kingdom amongst his children, living out his days without the burden of power.
A proud man, he allows vanity to cloud his judgment, believing that he can relinquish the crown, but enjoy the same authority and respect he has always known. Misjudging his children’s loyalty he soon finds himself stripped of all the trappings of state, wealth and power he had taken for granted.