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Regina Brandolino, Natalie Morgan and Karen Olrich-White release their inner Kate Bush

Regina Brandolino, Natalie Morgan and Karen Olrich-White released their inner Kate Bush at Immersive Music’s ‘Hounds of Love’ Concert, through interactive character and dance performances.

Immersive Music Ltd brings classic albums to life through highly innovative and immersive shows.

Immersive Music Ltd believes that the live music (gig) is outdated and ripe for disruption. Live music gigs have not changed from their inception in the 1950’s and 60’s meaning customers are herded into venues like cattle and forced to be passive spectators. Immersive Music’s mission is to shake up and modernise the live gig market by creating highly innovative and immersive shows unlike anything ever seen before in the music industry.

You can watch Regina (Water Nymph), Natalie (Tree Nymph) and Karen (Crow) in Hounds of Love HERE

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